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How To Lose Weight at an Advertising Agency

Readers, be forewarned. This post was created for employees of the advertising industry. While I'm sure some instances can be applied to other fields of employment, please remember that I am writing from the world I know. It's not you, it's me. Let's face it, losing weight sucks. Like, really sucks. You have to change your diet, fit exercise into your already packed schedule, and worst of all, survive a day at the office. That last part gets especially difficult when working in the all-you-can-eat buffet that is an advertising agency. With summer right around the corner, it's time for some military-grade tough love to keep that belly in check. Here are three rules to swear, maybe literally, by when gearing up for your workweek. 1. Sweets make creaks - No, the floorboards aren't that old, please stop blaming that noise on your house "settling in". The only things "settling in" are the underwear impressions around your gut. Sweets are awful...

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